ZEISS Microscopy & Image Processing workshop

Satellite Event

The ZEISS Lightsheet Microscopy & Image Analysis workshop will cover all steps required for state-of-the-art imaging using the ZEISS Lightsheet 7 microscope. It will also cover the essentials of image processing and quantitative analysis of fluorescence microscopy images, in addition to lightsheet images.

The workshop consists of lectures (27 Oct PM) and hands-on sessions (28 Oct AM) where participants will be able to

1) acquire images using the ZEISS Lightsheet 7 or
2) explore processing and image analysis workflows, all with the support from experts in the field.

Participants are encouraged to bring and try their own

1) samples and
2) images.

Depending on your interest, you can decide to attend the lectures and/or one of the hands-on sessions. You do not need to register for the SPAOM 2023 meeting to attend the Zeiss satellite event.

ZEISS Satellite Event - UAlgarve – Ed 2
27/10 » 14:00 – 17:00
14:00 - 14:45 – “Lightsheet 7, How to produce, mount and examine invisible samples”- Christina Egger, CCMAR & Jacques Paysan, ZEISS
14:50 – 15:10 – “Marine sample preparation for Lightsheet imaging” - Lucía Sanchez-Ruiloba, Head of Optical Microscopy and Image Analysis Facility (Institute of Marine Research - IIM-CSIC), Vigo
15:10 – 15:30 – "Light-sheet and mesoscopic imaging at the IGC's Advanced Imaging" -  Gabriel Martins , IGC
15:30 – 16:00 – Coffee-Break
15:30 – 15:40 - “Seeing Through the Haze: Enhancing the Imaging and Analysis of Embryoids” - Rosana Caceres Carrillo, Andalusian Center for Developmental Biology (CABD), CSIC-UPO-JA, Seville
16:30 – 17:00 – “ZEISS arivis, your imaging platform, your tool for Automate E2E Image Analysis Pipelines”, Delisa Garcia, ZEISS

28/10 – Ed 2
9:00 – 12:30 - Lightsheet 7 Imaging – Hands-on, Jacques Paysan, ZEISS
9:00 – 12:30 - Image analysis approaches using AI and and how to handle big data – Hands-on, Delisa Garcia & Dieter Lauer, ZEISS **
** Please bring your own Labtop – minimum requirements: Win10Pro 64bit/4-corex 86-compatilble CPU/8Gb RAM (16 GB recommended) GPU with support for OpenGL 4.3 or above and 2GB of VRAM (eg. Nvidia GeForce 1050 /ATI Radeon RX560) / 100GB spare local Storage 





freebies (tbd)

MEALS (Coffee breaks & DINNER)

Academic early bird
October 27th 


Regular Price : 60€

Academic early bird
Hands on
October 28th


Regular Price : 70€

Non-academic early bird
October 27th


Regular Price : 100€

Non-academic early bird
Hands on
October 28th


Regular Price : 150€

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